How To Replace PFAS in Medical Technology
Figure 1: Many medical products require a hydrophobic coating to prevent cells from sticking or to optimize gliding and friction properties. Fraunhofer IFAM has developed fluorine-free coatings that mimic the previously usable properties of the fluoropolymers that were, as the hydrophobic coat-ing on a nonwoven synthetic fabric shows.
© Fraunhofer IFAM
Figure 2: Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) modification of silicone surfaces is a possible substitute for gas-phase fluorination. The dirt-repelling, wear-resistant functional coating permits a wide range of applications in medical technology, from prostheses with an adjusted feel to dirt-repellent respiratory masks. The treated silicone hand (left) demonstrates how the coating prevents dirt particles from sticking to the surface.
© Fraunhofer IFAM / Wolfgang Hielscher