Fraunhofer IFAM in Braunschweig

© Fraunhofer IFAM
Powerful batteries for stationary and mobile applications: To this end, research is being conducted into new electrode materials for high-energy storage systems.

Mobile and stationary energy storage systems


Together with the Fraunhofer Institutes IKTS and IST, Fraunhofer IFAM has pooled its expertise in the field of energy storage in the Fraunhofer-Projektzentrum für Energiespeicher und Systeme ZESS in Braunschweig.

The common goal is to bring mobile and stationary energy storage systems to industrial maturity and to develop sustainable solutions. In particular, technology maturity levels of TRL 4 to 6 are to be achieved, i. e. from feasibility on a laboratory scale to deployment as a prototype in the relevant environment. Fraunhofer ZESS works closely with the Technische Universität Braunschweig and the Battery LabFactory Braunschweig (BLB).

In the development and production of future energy storage systems, the focus of Fraunhofer IFAM at the project center is on the fields of solid-state batteries and chemical hydrogen storage.

The new area of Fraunhofer IFAM in Fraunhofer ZESS extends the energy storage development at the Bremen and Dresden sites.


Central topics of Fraunhofer IFAM at Fraunhofer ZESS are:


Solid state batteries

  • Material and component development for polymer- and sulfide-based solid-state batteries and electrode design
  • Process development and cell manufacturing
  • Cell analysis and safety


Hydrogen storage

  • Elektrolysis
    Electrode materials and 3D structures for alkaline electrolysis
  • Solid state storage
    Materials and systems for hydrogen storage via hydrogen-solid reactions, e. g. metal hydrides, complex hydrides, hydride composites, MOFs, graphites
  • Hydrolysis
    Materials and systems for hydrogen generation via water-solid reactions