The Institute in Figures

Budget: Stability and growth

Fraunhofer IFAM Operating and Investment Budget 2023
© Fraunhofer IFAM
Fraunhofer IFAM Operating and Investment Budget 2023


Like all institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Fraunhofer IFAM pursues a business model based on a balance between application-oriented basic research and innovative development.

A key indicator of this is the share of economic income in total income. At Fraunhofer IFAM, this accounted for a good third last year and generally arises from bilateral projects with an industrial client.



The Fraunhofer IFAM has grown steadily in recent years. The institute's long-term financial goals are a stable budget and healthy growth. The focus is on safeguarding what has been achieved and the sustainability of any growth.


Highly-qualified workforce

Fraunhofer IFAM Personnel structure 2023
Fraunhofer IFAM Personnel structure 2023

The growth of Fraunhofer IFAM has been accompanied by an ever growing core of highly-qualified employees.

Of the approximately 730 people currently employed at the institute, the majority work in the scientific and technical field. This makes the Fraunhofer IFAM one of the largest independent research institutes in Europe.