
  • POWDER TECHNOLOGY AS A SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVE TO CONVENTIONAL MANUFACTURING PROCESSES | Scarcity of raw materials and increasing environmental pollution pose major challenges to today's world. This makes the sustainable, resource-saving manufacture of products all the more important. The entire product life cycle must be considered: From design through manufacturing and logistics to recycling. Powder technology offers the best prerequisites here. It allows material and energy consumption to be significantly reduced and raw materials to be easily recycled. Fraunhofer IFAM has been working on various processes of powder technology for many years.

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  • TARGETED IMPROVEMENT OF BIO-BASED ADHESIVES FOR MODERN APPLICATIONS | Bio-based adhesives made from renewable raw materials are becoming increasingly important. This is not only due to the scarcity of petrochemical resources but also the growing desire of industries and consumers for more sustainable alternatives. Bio-based adhesives are by no means a new invention; some of them have been successfully used for thousands of years. They rely on a variety of natural materials such as proteins (e.g., gelatin adhesive), starch, cellulose, or natural rubber. However, to utilize them for a broader range of modern applications, specific properties need to be improved intentionally.

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  • FAST, SAFE AND COST-EFFECTIVE: ADHESIVE BONDING AS AN ALTERNATIVE FOR ASSEMBLY AND REPAIR OF OFFSHORE APPLICATION | The use of adhesives in the maritime sector offers a promising alternative to other joining methods. Disadvantages associated with joining technologies such as screwing or welding are eliminated and possibilities for long-term stable adhesive bonds of up to 25 years are created. Fraunhofer IFAM is continuously further developing the topic of adhesive bonding in the maritime field within the framework of publicly funded projects and is developing individual processes for its industrial customers.

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  • Vehicle fleet
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    CHARGING MANAGEMENT FOR ELECTRIC VEHICLE FLEETS - SOLVER-BASED, CUSTOMIZED AND COST-EFFICIENT | The experts in the "Research Data" unit at Fraunhofer IFAM use a specifically developed simulation environment to determine the most cost-effective solutions for operating electric fleets on site for individual scenarios.

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  • A stack of new pipes for district heating at a construction site, graphic with energy efficiency classes for buildings according to the GEG.
    © Adobe Stock/Robert Poorten

    EFFICIENCY IN DISTRICT HEATING NETWORKS: ANALYZING CRITERIA AND POTENTIALS | The heat supply and thus also district heating in Germany must be climate-neutral by 2045 at the latest in order to achieve the climate targets to which Germany has committed itself by ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement. Fraunhofer IFAM is therefore working on the project “Definition and potential of efficiency in district heating networks (WäNEff)” to examine the future viability of efficiency criteria for district heating. The existing criteria and the integration of them into the regulatory law and / or the funding framework is examined and recommendations for the development of them are derived.

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  • Reactive filament based on epoxy resin
    © Fraunhofer IFAM

    Reactive filament based on epoxy resin

    Additive manufacturing technologies are gaining increasing importance in the industry, particularly in series production. With the wide range of applications, the demands for new materials are also growing. Extrusion-based 3D printing processes, especially Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), play a key role here – especially in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Within the Reactive Printing project, latent reactive filaments based on epoxy resin are being developed. These innovative materials can be processed at low temperatures and crosslinked directly during the printing process to form thermoset components. This approach combines the easy processability of thermoplastic materials with the advantages of thermoset properties.

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  • Head tensile specimens for characterization of the adhesives.
    © Fraunhofer IFAM

    Head tensile specimens for characterization of the adhesives.

    MECHANICAL JOINING TECHNOLOGIES AND ADHESIVE BONDING: THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS IN HYBRID JOINTS | Hybrid joints combine different joining technologies and are increasingly used in various industries. The decisive strength of a hybrid joint is that advantages of the elementary joining technologies are used and disadvantages are compensated. Adhesive bonding can be advantageously combined with various mechanical joining processes, depending on the application and industry. Fraunhofer IFAM develops solutions for various industries, for example for transportation, white goods, or construction.

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  • Project OWES Gapfiller.
    © AUDI AG/Stefan Warter

    Project OWES Gapfiller.

    A NEW GENERATION OF GAP FILLERS FOR HEAT DISSIPATION FROM BATTERIES IN E-CARS | Heat dissipation from batteries is essential to protect them from overheating. This increasingly affects the batteries used in e-cars and other electric vehicles. Only if the batteries are protected from overheating, strong drive performance and long vehicle life can be ensured. This is enabled with gap fillers.

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  • INTELLIGENT POLYMER NETWORKS ENABLE RESHAPING, RECYCLING AND BIODEGRADATION OF MATERIALS | Polymeric materials can be used in many ways and are characterized by their lightweight and mechanical properties. To increase the lightweight potential, plastics are reinforced with fibers to form fiber composites. However, due to consumer pressure and regulations, companies are increasingly looking for environmentally friendly and recyclable material substitutes for conventional polymeric materials and composites. For several years, Fraunhofer IFAM has been researching switchable thermosetting materials as a promising alternative.

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