Soft magnetic materials

Powder metallurgical manufacturing concepts offer a wide range of possibilities to produce soft magnetic components that go far beyond traditional manufacturing technologies. Thus, soft magnetic components with a special property profile can be manufactured in alternative geometries. Focus of the work is the reduction of iron losses while increasing magnetic performance using near net shape manufacturing strategies.

Different powder metallurgical manufacturing concepts are pursued to address the application-specific characteristics. All methods have in common that the choice of materials is broader and the integration of additional functions is possible.

Powder Metallurgical Manufacturing Strategies

  • Screen printing of electrical steel sheets: Screen printing enables the production of electrical steel sheets in the final design with customized composition and thickness. With thin sheets (d < 200 µm) and higher alloying contents, the frequency-dependent losses can be reduced and the strength increased.
Siebgedrucktes Stator- und Rotorblech einer permanent erregten Synchronmaschine - Grünling
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Screen-printed stator and rotor laminations of a permanently excited synchronous machine - green compact
Siebgedrucktes Stator- und Rotorblech einer permanent erregten Synchronmaschine gesintert
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Screen-printed stator and rotor laminations of a permanently excited synchronous machine - sintered
Verluste in Abhängigkeit der Frequenz (Fe-6.5Si)
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Losses at 1 T depending on the frequency (Fe-6.5Si)
  • Nanocrystalline components: Powder metallurgical production methods can be used to process amorphous ribbons into nanocrystalline components (wounded or in the form of flakes). The magnetic properties can be adjusted over a wide range. In addition, due to the high heating rates during field-assisted sintering (FAST/SPS), so-called “high B” alloys can be processed to produce nanocrystalline soft magnets with a higher power density.
Nanokristalliner E-Kern aus Flakes
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Nanocrystalline flake E-core
Schliff eines nanokristallinen Flakekerns
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Cross-section of nanaocrystalline flake core
Gepresste nanokristalline Wicklung
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Compacted nanocrystalline wouded core
  • Powder composites: The production of isotropic powder composites with high permeabilities (µmax > 200) is carried out by conventional pressing of coated soft magnetic powder for their electrical insulation. The powders are coated using the sol-gel method. Heat treatment is necessary to achieve optimum properties. Various furnaces are available to realize the respective temperature profile in the desired atmosphere.
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Pressing tool for toroidal cores
Schliff Pulververbundwerkstoff
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Cross-section of soft magnetic composites
Ringkerne für magnetische Charakterisierung
© Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Toroidal cores for magnetic characterization

Characterization Of Soft Magnetic Components

  • Magnetic characterization: The characterization is carried out by measuring B-H curves on ribbons or toroidal cores in AC or DC field. In particular, the magnetic performance and the frequency-dependent losses are determined either using B-H-analyzer (f < 20 kHz) or LCR meter (f > 20 kHz).
  • Mechanical characterization: The mechanical strength is evaluated by means of tensile/compression test or hardness measurement.
  • Structural characterization: Sections of the components are examined under a light or scanning electron microscope to correlate functional properties with microstructure. The effect of powder properties in particular is investigated. Therefore, a comprehensive powder characterization is carried out in our accredited laboratory beforehand. This includes particle size distribution, morphology and impurity content.

Dr. Inge Lindemann's “Soft Magnetic Materials” working group researches the powder metallurgical production of application-relevant material concepts for the manufacture of loss-optimized soft magnetic components. In the “Powder Metallurgy” department, the group has comprehensive expertise and the latest powder processing technologies, which also take generative manufacturing into account. The fields of application range from modern energy converters in electrical machines and power electronics.

The project „WeiMag – Gezielte Eigenschaftsverbesserung durch innovative Pulvertechnologien“ is funded internally by the Fraunhofer Attract program.


The project "WeiMag" (600420) is funded internally through the Fraunhofer Attract program.


I. Lindemann, T. Mix, M. Thamm, C. Höhnel, B. Weise, K. Reuter, A. Kirchner, T. Weißgärber
Potential of powder metallurgical methods to fabricate Fe-6.5Si soft magnetic components
Powder Metallurgy, Vol. 67, Issue 2-3, 2024

T. Mix, M. Göhringer, Z. Jin, K. Reuter, T. Studnitzky, I. Lindemann-Geipel, T. Weißgärber
Additive Manufacturing of Low Loss Electrical Steel Sheets for High Efficiency Electrical Devices
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 2023, 5226-5231


M. Thamm, I. Lindemann-Geipel, T. Mix, T. Hutsch, W. Maziarz, M. Karpiński, T. Weißgärber
Microstructure and magnetic properties of Nanomet compacted by spark plasma sintering
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Vol. 600, 2024, 172121
