Sub-projects: Development of the PCM Module from a Heat and Material Engineering Point of View

In this research project a modular heat storage concept for the storage of industrial waste heat at different temperature levels is developed. The development of an intelligent thermal process control system enables the use of waste heat in downstream processes as well as by returning it to the main process. An adaptation to the heat to be stored is achieved by a so-called "numbering up" concept of small, highly efficient modules. The same design and the possibility of interconnecting modules results in advantages regarding operating and component costs.
By combining different heat storage materials (ceramic, PCM, stone/concrete) for different temperature levels, the contained waste heat exergy can be used optimally at the corresponding temperature levels and the losses can be minimized. For this purpose, an innovative design tool is being developed on basis of a structure and application optimization. Furthermore, thermal oils are investigated regarding their application properties and the requirements of the new storage concept.