Workshop  /  September 04, 2024  -  September 05, 2024

5th Workshop on Sinter-based Additive Manufacturing 2024

Sinter-based Additive Manufacturing methods like Metal Binder Jetting or Lithography-based Metal AM are currently the most promising route towards modern industrial series production.

These methods all have in common that they require no tools or moulds and the resulting components have mechanical properties similar to those of conventionally manufactured PM parts, because they too underwent a final heat treatment (“debinding and sintering”) process step.

Fraunhofer IFAM's Sinter-based AM workshop series has been a great success so far and is emerging as one of the prime industry meetings on metal binder jetting and further sinter-based AM processes. Our international speakers from industry and R&D will provide insight into the latest advancements and industrial implementation of the respective technologies. The workshop program will be supplemented by interactive elements, a tabletop exhibition and a Component Award competition.

The main topics addressed in this workshop will be

  • Industrial implementation of Metal Binder Jetting
  • Other SBAM technologies: Lithography-based Metal AM and Cold Metal Fusion
  • Supporting Technologies for sinter-based AM processes

Use this opportunity to discuss these technologies with the experts, to network with colleagues and to inform yourself about the latest trends.