International Conference  /  02. Juni 2026  -  05. Juni 2026

International Conference on
Emerging Applications of PM & AM
Materials and Technologies:
Sustainable Materials and Technologies

The present time is characterized by the transformation in both the energy sector and mobility, but also geopolitical challenges and the climate crisis are current issues.  

How can we contribute to solve these challenges? Research and development are of particular importance in the field of materials and manufacturing technology. It is here where substantial contributions to sustainability, resource efficiency etc. can be made. Powder metallurgy (PM) and additive manufacturing (AM) offer countless opportunities. Discussing these with potential end-users is crucial for a successful implementation in the industrial practice. It is also essential to increase the awareness of technologies in PM (powder metallurgy) and AM (additive manufacturing).

The triennial EMATec conference organized by Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden and TU Dresden aims to provide a platform for presenting the latest achievements in research and development and reflecting the needs of the industry. 

In 2026, the International Conference on Emerging Applications of PM & AM Materials and Technologies (EMATec) will again take place in the wonderful city of Dresden. 

The focus of the conference lies on sustainable materials and manufacturing with the following sub-topics:

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing:

  • Emerging PM technologies and applications
  • Emerging AM technologies and applications
  • Modelling and Simulation
  • Characterization and testing of PM/AM components

Energy Transition: 

  • Hydrogen - materials for production and storage
  • Waste heat - materials for recovery
  • Waste heat - materials for storage
  • Electric drives and converters - magnetic materials

You are welcome to present your latest products, technologies or developments. 

The call for abstracts will be published soon.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Dresden, one of the centers of powder metallurgy worldwide.See you in June 2026!

Prof. Thomas Weißgärber
Conference Chair
Institute Director, Fraunhofer IFAM Dresden
Chair Powder Metallurgy, TUD Dresden University of Technology